Well this is part 2. I found a breathmint!
Well i did like mentos in the past, but although it effectively gets rid of bad breath, it also leaves this tingy mentosy aftertaste in your mouth which gets irritating after awhile.
Then all those small small mints like Impact and stuff are good, but too small. So their effects aren't as powerful.
But today, i unintentionally found gosu(translation- PRO) one!
Was in service and JoelA took out a box of sweets, took one, handed to clara, then offered me ( i was 2 seats away). It looked like mint so i took it (i like mint), and.. YUM.

The solution to bad breath!
and another picture i found of it:

See what's written on the lid? 'POWERFUL FRESH BREATH'
it's true la! ok the thing about this mint is that it's pretty big. not as big as mentos, not chewy like mentos. It has the same texture as any other mint you'd find, like Smint and Impact, but it's about 3 times the volume of those! So it's about.. SLIGHTLY smaller than the Mentos box version.
And the mint taste is nice and fresh, not like the mentosyminty thing, and leaves a clean feeling after! AND, the annoying mint aftertaste is minimal!
I'm so gonna go find this and buy one :) or two :) or three :) or 12041729854 :)
No i wasn't endorsed by Eclipse to advertise their mint. My blog isn't even popular enough to endorse anything. :( but seriously, it's nice.
on a side note,
I thought of a good pickup line!
not those cheesy 'hey do you want a raisin?no? how about a date?' kind, this one more intellectual and effective (i think) (until the girl figures it out)
This targets a specific group of people -> those who wear name tags.
I thought of this when i was walking to the interchange at ToaPayoh after studying in the library, and i saw these Rep Poly girls going around doing surveys and wearing nametags. (so NO, i wasn't brainstorming for ways to pickup chicks. it's just an idea that hit me randomly)
So what you do is go up to someone wearing a name tag, and keeping your eyes fixated on their eyes, say something like:
"Hey! You are Cassendra right?" (you already glimpsed their nametag before approaching them, so you know their name + surname)
-girl turns and stares at you, confused- "Er.. yea.. you are?"
"I am -yourname- ! Remember? we were with this group of people the other time.. yknow.. at that place.. erm.. ya somewhere"
Girl: "er.. sorry i dont know you" (most likely response)
"No no! you are.. ermm.. -" (pretend to think hard) "Cassendra Ng right? " (you saw their nametag remember?)
-Girl is very confused now, and is trying to jog her memory to see if she knows you-
At this point, you quickly carry on the conversation about something else, like ask them why are they here, blabla, and work your charm to get her number or ask her out or something. I'm not a flirt so i don't know how to do that. :p
Brilliant right this pickup line? The girl will most likely figure out how you know her name after awhile, but she'll acknowledge how smart you are! so she'll go out with you!
wahahhaa. Ok if anyone actually tries this out do let me know the results :p